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Baum’s Answers to Your Low-Power Design Challenges
I need to analyze power profile for hundreds of millions of clock cycles of workload data.
PowerBaum provides the fastest way to model and analyze power using realistic workload
Its accurate and high-performance power model enables users to explore large workloads with a high level of accuracy under various simulation environments. Baum power models integrate into RTL simulations or emulation to achieve orders of magnitude performance improvement compared to competing solutions in the market.
I need to monitor the progress of power efficiency metrics (rather than power value itself) in everyday RTL development cycle.
PowerSpion lets you quickly monitor power efficiency metrics
PowerSpion uses RTL design and RTL FSDB to compute power efficiency metrics without running computation-expensive power analysis. It also offers a linting feature to check if there is any redundant or misused ICGs in your RTL. Thanks to its fast speed and lightweight nature, PowerSpion enables customers to seamlessly integrate it into their RTL CI/CD pipeline, facilitating daily monitoring of progress in power efficiency metrics.
I need to convert RTL FSDB into gate-level FSDB to save effort and time for running gate-level simulation.
PowerWurzel saves your time with RTL FSDB-based gate-level power analysis
PowerWurzel is Baum’s gate-level simulation engine that understands both RTL and gate-level FSDB. Combining PowerWurzel with PowerBaum creates a powerful and efficient flow to generate extremely fast and accurate power models.